Parish Council 2024

Shipbourne Parish Council has 7 Councillors; each elected to serve for a 4-year term. The Councillors are unpaid and work within a strict Code of Conduct to maintain the quality of life in the parish of Shipbourne. The Council forms the first tier of local government and has a duty and powers to administrate various aspects of village life. Amongst other responsibilities, it is informed of and comments on planning issues through Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council; it maintains the Churchyard and possesses the freeholds of the Village Hall and Dunks Green Common.

The Parish Council usually meets on the second Monday of each month (except in August when there is no meeting) in the Village Hall at 7.00pm.  Residents are welcome to attend these meetings to seek advice or discuss village issues.

The Clerk is the Responsible Financial Officer. The Parish Council receives its funding from Tonbridge & Malling BC through  a  Precept which is an element of the Council Tax. In addition, the Parish Council is able to raise additional funding for special projects.

The members of the Parish Council are shown below along with the Clerk to whom all matters concerning the council should be addressed.


Please email the Parish Clerk for copies of previous annual returns.

Shipbourne Parish Clerk

Mrs Sarah Huseyin
Gable Cottage, Ismays Road, Ightham, TN15 9BE
01732 886402

e-mail: [email protected]

Shipbourne Parish Council Members – May 2024 Click View to see Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Valerie Redman 


07745 463130


Ian Bond

07747 014416



Steve Davis

07808 766914 View

Peter Leach

Vice Chair

07889 362462 View

Sandy Oram

01732 811494 View

Alice Dagger

07825 941735 View



For website amendments and corrections please email

TMBC Borough Councillors

The elected councillors for our ward of Bourne
Cllr James Lark   [email protected]
Cllr Steve Crisp   steve.crisp@

Kent County Councillor

Our Kent County Councillor for the Malling West Ward is:
Harry Rayner 01732 885200 [email protected]

Member of Parliament

Our MP for the constituency of Tonbridge and Malling is:
Tom Tugendhat MBE MP 0207 219 4727

House of Commons,
London SW1A 0AA

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