Welcome to the web pages of St Giles Church Shipbourne. We are an active church in a small and beautiful rural parish. Use the drop down menu to find out more about the life of our church. Details of our services are set out on the Services page
Both our churches are open for Individual private prayer and organ practice: Further information on services is set out on the News page and the Services page.
We are committed to making our church a safe place for all. Details of our safeguarding policies and the people with responsibilities for safeguarding matters are set out on our safeguarding page at:
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St Giles Shipbourne pages last updated:08/01/2025
[all links open in a new window] JUBILEE MEMORIES |
We launched a major restoration appeal on 1 March 2023. This continues a long term programme to restore the fabric of our church and maintain it for the use and enjoyment of all. These pictures show the state of our church before our major restoration programme began in 2007. You can read more about the work we have done, and our plans for the future, on the Restoration Appeal page
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