Services for children
Some services are designed particularly with children in mind:
The family service is held at 9.30am on the fourth Sunday of every month.
The Nativity and Christingle service at Christmas, when children take part in the nativity tableau during the service. You can read more on the Services page about the Christmas family services taking place this year in the Benefice.
Community@11 (see below)
Plaxtol Playtime (see below)
This is our modern service.
Suitable for all ages
Worship songs with a band
Discussions for different age groups
Craft and play time for children
Bring and share refreshments after the service
This is a joint benefice service and is held once a month in Plaxtol Church on a Sunday. Following discussion with the families who attend the service, it has been decided that the service should take place at 11.00am, so the service has been re-named Community @11. It will normally be held on the 3rd Sunday of each month. The next Community@11 will be on Sunday 16 June in Plaxtol Church, with refreshments available from 10.30am.
Plaxtol Playtime
A group for babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and their parents, grandparents and carers. This is a session hosted in Plaxtol Church on the second Tuesday of each month from 10 – 11.30am. Join us for a coffee or tea – some play activities and to meet other local parents, carers and little ones in the community. £2.00 per family. The next meeting will be on Tuesday 11 June.