Shipbourne Parish Council has just completed the Annual Return which is available in the Policy Documents section.
TMBC is the local planning authority responsible for determining planning applications. Shipbourne Parish Council is a statutory consultee and we have a strict 21-day deadline for submitting our response to an application which must be based on a material planning consideration. Our planning responses are decided at our monthly parish meeting, however, if a deadline […]
Shipbourne Design Statement
Please see attached a copy of the Shipbourne Design Statement. If you are unable to open the file or would like to receive a hard copy, please contact the Parish Clerk: [email protected] Shipbourne-Design-Statement-1Download
Climate Change
Click link to see SPC response to Climate Change strategy and Action Plan Please see attached some ideas on how we as a Parish can address climate change. Our response to the local plan also addressed the issue.What can we do about climate change LOCAL PLAN REPRESENTATION FORM – climate change